Defensive Driving 

Each year, over 40,000 people in the United States lose their lives in automobile accidents. The more your employees drive, the more they increase the risk of being involved in an accident. When the M.O.S.T.® System of Defensive Driving is practiced, you can have an accident free day by applying the seeing, obeying, spacing method. 

The most common reason given for being involved in an auto accident is: "I just didn't see him!" Drivers should follow defensive driving methods and think safety. This helps them see, obey, and space as a pro-active defensive driver. 

Seeing, Obeying, and Spacing are the keys to helping you avoid stressful, accident-producing situations.

How will s.o.s.® benefit you?

  • It will make your driving easier and less stressful
  • ​It will help you prevent accidents
  • It will help you become a pro-active, defensive driver who creates safety conditions rather than becoming a victim of accident-producing circumstances.

S.O.S.® could mean the difference in becoming one of the 40,000 people who lose their life in auto accidents each year or an individual who can drive their whole life without ever having an avoidable accident. 

How does the M.O.S.T.® System Relate?

Drivers who use the right defensive methods are able to eliminate most accidents. This is where the M.O.S.T.® System comes into play. If you follow the right method and you're thinking, then you can eliminate most automobile accidents. It is when we let our guard down, when we are not using the right methods, and when we are not thinking that we find ourselves in accident-producing situations. We have to be taught to think safety; a reminder sign is not enough. It takes personal understanding, thinking, and commitment. Thinking affects perception, awareness, and seeing. 

An Extension of The M.O.S.T.® System

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